Thursday, February 11, 2010

Natural and Medicinal Back Pain Remedies

By Greg Schenk

Back Pain is one of the most famous health issues in the world. What is Back Pain? What causes it? Is there any remedy? Natural or not? Well, read more to take action to this. Back Pain, also known as "dorsalgia," is a pain that is felt in the back from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. One common major cause of this is muscle strain or strain. There are many ways to heal it. Let us talk about the natural way of healing.
(1) Massage - it's a short relief that is very effective. You may want to go to a spa or any a therapist that would love to help you with your problem or you can simply do it on your own.
(2) Exercise - doing exercise can help ease the pain. Like stretching or lying in a flat board or anything that is flat while breathing in and breathing out.
(3) Rest - take a break and relax.
(4) Sleep - when sleeping put a pillow between the knees while lying on one side. This may increase comfort or lay your back with a pillow under your knees.
(5) Deep heating rubs.
(6) Sun exposure - wake up early on the morning between 5am to 8am.
(7) Hot or cold compression therapy - you can do this by putting an ice bag or a hot compress on the strain. These are some remedies that can help you through the day.
Now let's talk about treating back pain the medicinal way. I would like to remind you that these remedies are not for severe ones. The most common way of treating back pains is drinking medicine like Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen it can easily be bought over the counter. This is a superb short-time treatment. Another way is applying Capsaicin Cream or Menthol Oil in the affected part. It has active ingredients of chilli or menthol that helps soothes the back pain.
If you are experiencing back pains, it can also mean that you lack Vitamin D, which is found on fish, fortified milk and cereals. You can also take Vitamin D supplements. (Please consult your doctor for the daily dosages). The most famous and effective method is Acupuncture. It is a natural pain-relieving opioid that sends signals to calm the sympathetic nervous system and releases neurochemicals and hormones. It will help you heal and rejuvenate your whole body. (Consult some doctors for this). That's it. I hope that all your questions are answered.

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