Saturday, February 20, 2010

Whole Grains - Why Eating Grains Makes Us Sick

By Alexis Girvan

Grains were not meant to be consumed by humans. Actually, grain products can be quite problematic when digested in the human body. And, you may need to sit down for this one: Grains are largely responsible for the diseases of civilization. Chronic diseases, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, auto immune disorders, strokes, and cancer all can be tied back to the consumption of grains.
Now, take a deep breath and keep reading because this is where it will start to make sense. We have to go back quite a ways to understand the problem with grains, about 10,000 years to be exact. You see, before then all human beings were hunter-gatherers. The spent their days hunting animals and gathering fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, bugs.
Why should our Hunter-Gatherer Ancestry Matter to us today?
You are the same as them. That's right, our genes (the info in our cells that makes us human) haven't changed really at all for the last 40,000 years. Therefore, you are designed to eat those same things that our hunter-gatherer ancestors were eating - things from the earth and in their natural state.
Now, have you ever tried to eat a grain in its natural state? Chances are you have, in the form of corn. You'll notice if you are observant, that not much is digested. Other grains such as wheat, rye, and barley are also hard to digest in their natural state and much harder to collect which is a major reason we were not created to eat them. It would have taken hours to collect just a few handfuls of wheat kernels and then eating them wouldn't have netted many calories or nutrients.
About 10,000 years ago, with the help of agriculture and stones tools, humans began harvesting and grinding grains. This in a sense was our first processed food and it allowed us access to the calories in the grains. Now, technologies have advanced to allow us to produce processed grains on a large scale, enabling new "Whole Grain" foods to pop up on our grocery store shelves every month. Items like whole grain pasta, cereal and whole grain bread have become staples in the American diet. But because humans really have no evolutionary history with them, society has encountered major problems due to their consumption.
What is pH Balance?
There is something called a pH balance that your body strives for in different tissues, and it has to do with how acidic an environment is. For example, your stomach needs to have a very low pH (or high- to be able to digest your food. Your blood however, needs to have a much higher pH, slightly basic (alkaline) environment for you to continue living; in fact, your blood is one of the most tightly controlled environments in your body. Your body will fight and sacrifice other systems to keep it's pH in the range of 7.35-7.45 (water is 7).
The Acidity of Grains
Grains, unlike fruits and vegetables, produce a large amount of acid when digested by the human body and allowed to enter our bloodstream. This means that your body must buffer that acidity to keep the blood pH in its narrow range, and the major way your body deals with this acidity is to draw calcium from our bones. Calcium is a basic (alkaline) element and if forced to, it will exit our bones to buffer our blood with a cost to our bone health. Your body has a hierarchy, and within that hierarchy blood health comes before bone health. This calcium loss due to buffering our grain laden diet is a major factor in the pain, suffering and millions we spend each day on osteoporosis in our country.
There are a few other ways your body can deal with this extra acidity.
First, it can be stored away from our blood in our adipose tissue (fat), making it very difficult to lose unwanted pounds because your body does not want to have that acid back in the blood stream
Second, it can be excreted through your skin, producing acne, boils, eczema and a host of other symptoms.
Third, microforms also known as yeast, viruses & unhealthy bacteria thrive in acidity, so the more grains in a person's diet, often the more susceptible they are to low grade or repeat infections as well (The pH miracle. Warner books, NY 2002 by way of Chestnut Innate diet p 56-58).
To live a healthy lifestyle, it important to consume a diet like our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have, one that is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, lean healthy meats and if your daring, the occasional bug.

The Benefits of Drinking Water - Healthy Living Information We All Need

By Greg Meggs

The benefits of drinking water seem to be so incredible that it's been labeled the forgotten strategy of health. Benefits of drinking water are nearly every health problem known to man. Water helps with transporting minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrients within your body. Water is critical with the sustenance within your body.
Among the specific benefits of drinking water is healthy digestion and metabolism. The benefits of drinking water are endless. Water is definitely the holy grail of the human body and the benefits of drinking water are many, and even then, knowing just a fraction of its importance, a great number of people today do not sufficiently hydrate their body but will only drink water after they are usually very thirsty. Water is essential for life. The benefits of drinking water are an important factor in the adequate well being of the human body. Water helps sustain body temperature, metabolizing extra fat, aiding with digestion of food, lubricating and cushioning internal organs, moving vitamins and minerals, flushing toxins from the system and assisting you stop a lot of illnesses. Preferably, by the time you are finished reading, you'll then reach and get a glass of water and soak yourself in the benefits of drinking water.
Drinking water can be useful for keeping your skin layer vibrant and glowing. The cosmetic benefits of drinking water consist of firmer skin and much healthier appearing hair. So you see, water is highly important to keep wholesome, vibrant-looking skin and hair. Adequately hydrated skin could possibly be the most effective answer to healthier, more youthful-looking skin. Without the benefit of hydration the skin would most likely turn out to be dry and flaky, particularly in wintry climates or our typical air conditioned workplaces. Human skin consist of 90% water.
The largest single organ on the human body, our skin, benefits through sustained hydration. Increasing your intake of healthful water will definitely boost digestion, nutrient absorption, skin hydration, detoxify and virtually all facets of more desirable health and fitness. It really is the desire of everyone to have refreshed as well as revitalized skin. Very soft and smooth skin is often an indication of healthful and vibrant skin. The benefits of drinking water in sufficient quantities start with skin, but they're absolutely a lot more than skin deep. Water is critical to maintain skin moisture and it is the vehicle for giving you vital nutrients to your skin tissue.
Just like additional health supplements, our bodies can't create its own water. Like taking supplements to get an immune system improvement, concentrate on drinking plenty water. Water is a very important natural supplement in the creation of health and well being.
If you do not drink sufficient water, you will experience habitual weariness, dry skin, severe headaches, bowel irregularity, and also a decline in typical bodily function.
This calorie-free health supplement can be described as amazing fat burning device. When you begin experiencing results with your weight loss, with thanks, in no small part to the benefits of drinking water, you can expect to lose body fat. A good way to determine your personalized water requirements are to consider your present body weight in lbs. and divide this amount in half, the number you obtain will be the quantity water you ought to consume each and every day in ounces.
The benefits of drinking water are clear and well known, but sadly many people still don't bother with knowing what amount of water they consume daily. You also need to remember that the benefits of drinking water are generally closely linked to the quantity of water we take in. So go get a glass of water soon and make it a habit to consume, at minimum 8 glasses a day to make you healthy and strong. Condition your self to reach for water; here's to your health.

Cell Phone Radiation - What to Do About It

By Paul Inkpen

Are you worried about the radiation you are getting from your mobile phone? You should be. Science has proven that bioelectric impulses regulate our bodily functions. Dangerous frequencies of radiation are emitted by cellular and cordless phones. These frequencies can imitate the frequency of a hormone, antigen, or other signal molecule at the cellular level. The resulting symptoms from this mis-information vary for each individual. What are the threats?
Long-term exposure can produce mutagenesis and oncogenesis (cancer).
Short-term exposure affects many biological functions. It can decrease the effectiveness of therapeutic drug treatment, produce affective mood disorders, decrease mental and physical well-being, and impair immunocompetence (our immune system). Headaches, dizziness, and lack of concentration are common findings.
These environmental factors provoke growing concern due to the significant impact on human health. What is even more disturbing is the fact that cell phone manufacturers have targeted younger consumers. A survey done by "The Toronto Star" found that cell phone use by children was up 140% since 2001. Manufacturers market these phones as a way of staying in touch with mom or dad, which is great from a personal safety standpoint, but what about the health risks? The impact on children is even greater than that of adults since their brains and immune systems are still developing.
Scientists have discovered that a mobile phone call lasting just two minutes can distort the normal electrical activity of a child's brain for up to an hour afterwards.
"Mobile phone manufacturers should take seriously a Swedish finding that their products are dangerous for children and teenagers, and work on developing safer phones. We cannot exclude the fact that after some decades of daily use, a whole generation of users may suffer negative effects. Even though science shows that cell phones are more dangerous than tobacco, they use the fact that radiation is invisible, and can't be seen or smelt like smoke". Quote from Dr. Neil Cherry, Scientist.
So the BIG question is, What To Do About It?
Here are some things you can do about Cell Phone Radiation:
1. Buy Dowsing Rods to test for cell phone and computer radiation. A professional pair runs around $75.00. Dowsing rods haven proven in controlled tests to pick up weak electromagnetic influences as accurately as any scientific instrument. There are quite a number of devices on the market that claim to protect you from EMF's and Cell Phone Radiation. Once you learn how to test with dowsing rods, you can use them to test the effectiveness of EMF protection devices. For example, you should be able to see the "before" and "after" effects if these devices really work. You can learn how to make and use these tools for free on my website.
2. Limit the level of exposure of children and teenagers to cell phones. Tell your kids not to talk for extended periods of time. Tell them not to carry their mobile phone on them if they don't have to. This applies to cordless phones also. (For example, put it down on a table or desk whenever possible). If they must use a cell phone, then get some protection for it, in the form of a chip. These chips will eliminate the low frequency radiation, and make the phone safer to use.
3. Some people believe that wearing a "hands-free" or "Bluetooth" headset will protect them from radiation. Even when Bluetooth devices are used to keep the cell phone away from the ear, the radiation is magnified because the headset serves as an antenna to receive all electromagnetic waves in the vicinity of the user. A better solution is to get a "Bluetooth" device that mounts to the windshield or dashboard of your vehicle. Keep the cell phone and "Bluetooth" device away from your body. Radiation eliminator chips are still recommended.
4. Buy a pendant which will protect you from all forms of Electromagnetic Radiation. This includes cell phones, cordless phones, computers, wireless devices, cell phone towers, wi-fi networks, and hydro towers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

3 Tips to Better Health by Walking Every Day

By Andy De Ronda

The human body is an amazing machine, in fact even after years of attempts, scientists still haven't even come close to creating an artificial human, but our bodies do need to be maintained with a good diet and regular exercise otherwise they start to fail just like machines.
Even minimal exercise is better than none, though just 30 minutes brisk walking every day is enough to help the body burn calories and keep muscles toned. Walking 30 minutes isn't very much, most of us will easily walk 30 minutes ding regular chores, but sadly too many of us use the car far too much when a quick walk would be just as convenient.
Fitness experts recognize that short walks of 10 minutes done three times per day are just as good for us as a half hour walk, and how many of us can't find 10 minutes? The key of course is that the walk needs to be reasonably brisk, ideally you don't want to saunter around like you're looking in shop windows. Instead walk with purpose, pick up your speed a bit.
The great thing about walking is that you don't need any special equipment aside from a pair of running shoes, you could even walk barefoot if you have a large enough space where you won't cut your feet on stones. A local high school running track is ideal, or if the sidewalk in your neighborhood is well maintained consider walking a couple of blocks.
Walking also has the advantage that a brisk pace elevates your heart rate so helps burn fat and calories, and also strengthens leg and stomach muscles, and if you use a small weight in each hand whilst moving your arms forward and backwards as you walk you'll also tone arm, chest, and back muscles.
To get for most from walking consider these 3 great tips to help you maximize the effectiveness of your walking regime.
1. Schedule time in your calendar for 'me time' when you can go for a brisk walk without being interrupted. Try leaving your cellphone in the office or at home. you'll find a few minutes of brisk walking will release endorphins that make you feel better and more motivated. Instead of sitting at your desk during your mid morning coffee break, grab a bottle of water and walk for 10 minutes. You'll have more energy, and you'll be helping your body stay in shape.
2. Buy a pedometer or step counter to track how many steps you take every time you go for your 10 or 30 minutes walk, then try to increase the number of steps every time. See if you can take 10,000 steps per day. It sounds like a huge number, but actually it isn't and you'll be surprised how easy it really is. Your body will thank you, and you'll be thanking your body when you look in the mirror and see a slimmer healthier you smiling back.
3. Try to walk where there are steps or sloping terrain so your muscles have the chance for a little extra workout. A brisk 10 minute walk that also includes 30-40 steps that you have to climb is great news for your heart. A healthy heart carries more blood around your body, that means more oxygen to vital organs, and helps your body fight infection.

5 Natural Methods to Fight Clinical Depression at Home

By Kriti Arora

Beating depression naturally is the best way to fight it. When psychiatrists around the world are recommending the usual routine of psychotherapy and anti-depressant drugs, why not try proven natural treatments to fight the illness? Depression is a state of the mind which affects the way a person feels and communicates with the world around him. There are various journals and websites which site one study after another crediting various natural treatments. But it is your task to separate the grain from the chaff to find out the real natural depression cures. The following are 5 methods of how you can fight depression naturally.
1) Exercise:
This tried and tested method of treating depression is extremely effective and works for everyone no matter what the severity of their condition is. It is one of nature's most potent mood-boosters and the good news is that it does not matter what kind of exercise you are doing as long as you do it. You can choose from a brisk walk, jogging, running, swimming, riding a bike, tennis, badminton, weightlifting, kickboxing, yoga, Pilates or tai chi. The idea is to invest at least 30 minutes a day in working out. Make sure you do something you enjoy doing and watch your blues disappearing.
2) Diet:
You are what you eat. How many times have you heard that adage before? Eating a well-balanced diet is a proven natural way to fight depression. Your meals should have everything in it, proteins, carbohydrates and fat. You can even have a multivitamin tablet everyday if you feel you are missing out on essential nutrients. But don't overeat. Instead of reaching out for that bag of chips whenever you are feeling hungry, have a piece of fruit or a slice of cheese. Avoid alcohol, tea and coffee.
3) Natural supplements:
These seem to be as effective as anti-depressant drugs in fighting depression and anxiety. St. John's Wort is one of the most well-known natural depression treatments with almost no side effects. Another natural supplement is SAM-e. Though it's a bit on the expensive side, this supplement is known to work wonders for depression.
4) Socializing:
The most common inclination of someone who is depressed is to isolate himself from everyone. This has a worsening effect on the symptoms of depression. If you are depressed, make an effort to go out and meet people, make new acquaintances and spend time with them. Talk to friends and family regularly about the problems you are facing. The love and support you will get from people who care about you is the best way to beat depression.
5) Self-help groups:
Find out whether your neighborhood or city has a self-help group for people in the same condition as you are. Sharing your emotions and feelings is going to have a therapeutic effect on you. Attend their meetings regularly.
Take each day as it comes if you want to beat depression. With time and effort, you can surely get over this phase of your life.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Five Natural Ways to Beat Depression

By John DeProspo

While there are many different ways to treat depression without antidepressant medications, some are more popular than others. Why are people looking for natural remedies for treating this problem? Because it has been proven that the drugs that supposedly treat this disease are not only ineffective in over fifty percent of patients using them, they are highly addictive, have many adverse side-effects, and can actually cause more mental pain and anguish than help.
Many people are turning to meditation as a natural way to help them overcome the effects of depression. Meditation has been used for thousands of years, in a variety of healing applications. You do not need to spend hundreds of dollars learning these methods, many are available for free. It has been said that most diseases and problems are simply mind over matter, and using these methods are quite effective, but they do take time to work. You should not expect miracles over night.
Another alternative to antidepressants are herbal remedies. These can be herbs like St. John's Wort, Green Tea, and fish oil supplements. There are also herbal remedies that can actually clean your body of toxic buildups, like eliminating free radicals. In a lot of cases, by simply flushing your system of toxins, you will find that your symptoms of depression can be alleviated. There are also other herbal supplements that can stimulate your brain into making natural endorphins and serotonin, which can make you feel better.
Some people often turn to counseling as a form of natural relief. Sometimes people are depressed because of traumatic experiences that have happened in their lives. Whether it is abuse, or a death in the family, or a wide range of others, not addressing these issues, burying them in your subconscious, can be more harmful than not confronting them right away. Therapy does not have to be expensive, there are mental health clinics around the country that are free, or on a sliding fee schedule.
Another natural way to beat depression without antidepressants is through a change of diet. There are many different ways to do this. One is to cut out refined sugars, and processed foods. This also means eating more healthy like fresh vegetables, lean meats and lots of fruit. All of these can improve your mood, by reintroducing vitamins and minerals that help make up the chemicals in the brain responsible for elevating your mood. It also means cutting back or completely eliminating foods and drinks that are fueling your symptoms as well, like caffeine, alcohol, and to many fattening snacks.
Exercising is another natural way to beat depression without antidepressants. Getting out and going for a walk, riding a bicycle or hiking in the woods, all of these release natural serotonin and endorphins that help elevate your mood. It is also a cardiovascular exercise, which helps to pump oxygen to your cells, making them healthier. It does not need to feel like exercise, and you do not have to go to the gym, or lift a bunch of weights, just walking around your neighborhood at least once a day can be a great help. It also gets you out of the house, and soak up some vitamin D from the sun.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

5 Strategies For Boosting Your Mood Through Exercise

By Kriti Arora
Beating depression may actually be just a jog away, recent research suggests. Yes, exercise can actually solve quite a lot of ailments, including those of the mind. Depression is a mental illness which affect the way a person talks, feels, behaves and communicates with the world around him. For a lucky few, a depressive episode may last for a few days but in some, it can last for weeks, months and even years. Exercise is a natural depression cure. Here are 5 strategies with which you can boost your mood through exercise.
Strategy #1
What kind of exercise are you comfortable with? If you are a beginner, walking and cycling are great. If you already have an exercise routine, great! Continue with it and in time increase its intensity. You can also go to the gym and take the help of a fitness instructor. After planning your workout session, make sure that you stick to it.
Strategy #2
What time can you devote to your workouts? If you are a harried housewife or a busy executive with little time on your hands, a brisk 10 minute walk is a good way to fight depression naturally. If you have a little more time, go for a 30-minute aerobic session. Choose from jogging, cycling and swimming. But make sure you exercise at least 5 times a week.
Strategy #3
It's a great idea to exercise in a group. Not only does it give you a chance to interact with other people, it also sets up the pace for healthy competition. When you are exercising with a group of people, a sense of competition (regarding achieving a health target or a particular body weight) is actually helpful. Also, you are less prone to miss out on the workout sessions because of peer pressure. Socializing with other people will also act as a mood-booster which ultimately will cure your depression.
Strategy #4
True, keeping yourself motivated to exercise everyday is not easy for people who are not depressed and is doubly difficult for people who are. Thinking about going to the gym for a strenuous workout session is difficult, but taking a smaller step is a lot easier. If your mind tells you not to go, tell it that it's okay to walk down the street at a leisurely pace. Once you do walk down the street, you will feel like going to the gym a lot more than before. The idea is to fool the mind to believe that it has to do a lot less. This strategy is something that works with most depressed people.
Strategy #5
Exercise is great for curing depression naturally. But don't fall for any of the magic pills and powders advertised everywhere these days that promise you a body like a fashion model. They are not natural at all and do more harm than good. Stay away from them.
Trust exercise to beat your depression naturally.

Beat Depression Naturally

By Kriti Arora
5 Steps to Overcoming Divorce Depression Naturally .

Beating depression arising from a sad event in one's life is not easy, but nor is it impossible either. And if it's something as heartbreaking as a divorce, then overcoming the depression arising from it is a lot tougher. Divorce depression occurs when the person you have been married to leaves you and the plethora of emotions that comes with it is huge. Most people are shocked and cannot comprehend what hit them. Anger, hurt, betrayal is the next stage which is followed by mourning for the marriage. But after that most people start recovering and move on with life. If you or a loved one is having problems getting over divorce depression even months after the incident, then you may be needing treatment. Don't worry; we are not talking about pills and potions here, just 5 simple natural depression cures you can follow without a visit to a shrink.
1) Forgive and forget: The divorce is done with and you people are not together anymore, right? The reason for it may be you or your ex. It doesn't really matter now. What matter is that you have your future to look forward to? Forgive yourself and your ex for all that has happened and instead tries to remember only the happy memories you shared. Move on.
2) Socialize: Just because you are divorced doesn't mean you can't meet new people. Go out with friends and have fun. When you are comfortable with the idea, start dating once again. Seek out people with the same interests as you. If these are too difficult for you to do at this vulnerable point of time, join a support group. Find out if a synagogue or church in your area has groups dealing with people who are divorced and attend the meetings regularly. Having a peer group with whom you can share the hurt is a natural way to treat depression.
3) Exercise: Now this is very important. You can't sit in an office cubicle or home everyday and try to cure your divorce depression. You have to exercise your body because it releases the happy hormones and makes you deal with the blues better. 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least 5 days a week is a must.
4) Diet: Not enough can be said about the usefulness of diet in beating the severe depression. Nourishing your body with lots of vegetables, fruits, lean meats will keep the energy levels up and blues away. But don't overeat. Eat a balanced diet and couple it with a multivitamin tablet everyday.
5) Take care of yourself: Don't exert your body and mind. Eat when you are hungry and get enough sleep. Read, listen to music or do gardening- do what make you feel good. Make time for yourself everyday.
Follow these 5 simple steps on how to beat depression on your own after a divorce. Remember, you are above everything and nothing is more important that being content. Have a wonderful life.

5 Steps For Working Out the Blues

By Kriti Arora
Workouts may soon become the preferred treatment to beat depression. At a time when "talk therapy" and prescription anti-depressant pills are the norm in treating the dreaded illness, this comes as a ray of hope for people looking for natural cures for depression. Exercise reduces anxiety and stress, promotes good sleep, and increases the energy levels which in turn fight depression. With the World Health Organization (WHO) predicting that by 2020, depression will the second largest killer disease, right after heart disease, ways to beat it is becoming a very important issue. Here are 5 steps you can work out the blues.
Step 1:
Most mental health professionals will agree that any type of exercise, as long as it is done regularly, will cure depression. Decide on the kind of program you want to implement by finding out what you already like doing. The worst thing you could do is thinking of exercise as a chore you have to do. Instead think of it as a fun activity.
Step 2:
Star slowly. Don't expect that you will run a marathon the first day of your exercise program. Tailor your program according to your state of mind. If you start with a wildly strenuous activity that tires you the very first day, you will be inclined to skip it the next day. Moreover the chances of injury are also high. Instead start with something small and gradually increase. This will beat your blues.
Step 3:
Starting with something gentle such as stretching exercises of yoga and tai chi is a wonderful idea. You can also try deep breathing exercises. They not only calm the mind, but also relax the depressive symptoms. Since yoga requires a person to concentrate and focus, it will reconnect your spirit and mind. It is a natural depression treatment.
Step 4:
Having a group or a partner for your workout session is a great idea. Not only will it increase your chances of sticking to the program, it will also serve as an antidote to loneliness. Talking to someone while you sweat it out is fun and also fights depression. Also, as much as possible, go out to exercise. Sunshine and fresh air will do wonders for your depression and elevate your mood. You will also be having a lot of fun jogging around the park with a friend for company.
Step 5:
Do not give up on your exercise program. Because if you do stop it, it's going to worsen your depression as you will think of yourself as a failure who couldn't even keep up an exercise program. Alternatively, if you do continue, it will give a boost to your self-esteem and overall emotional state. Your body will also thank you.
Beating depression with exercise is the best way to deal with it. For one, it has no side effects and for a second, it will make you lose weight! So go ahead and work out your blues away!

Understanding Symptoms Of Physical Disorders

By David A Crawford

People come to the doctor saying, "I'm weak." Or they may say "I get tired easily." People who are healthy have vim and vigor. Ben Hecht once said: "They have bounce." Elasticity in both mind and body is a sign of health. Those who lack energy and who are listless usually have something wrong. Such symptoms may be quite different from the loss of power in the muscles, which may be due to other causes. Just being unduly fatigued is also different from being faint or slightly dizzy.
Any physical or emotional disorder can be accompanied by lack of energy or listlessness. After an acute infection, following hemorrhage whether sudden or prolonged, or following long-continued subjection to cancer, this lack of energy may be a prominent symptom. A severe emotional outbreak or upset leaves people weak, exhausted. Such outbreaks can also lead to depression or neurosis accompanied by anxiety.
Lassitude or languor may also be noted frequently as the result of insufficient action of the thyroid gland or from deficiency of secretion in the adrenal glands. However, excessive action of the glands can also lead to overstimulation and ultimate exhaustion. Lassitude is often observed by the doctor in cases of chronic disease of the liver; in the old days people called this "debility." Shakespeare says in As You Like It, " I did not woo the means of weakness and debility."
Various drugs, by their effects or actions on the body can bring about lassitude, among these particularly bromides, alcohol, and the barbituric acid derivatives.
Asthenia And Feebleness
A number of conditions can produce asthenia. A long-continued infection, an excessive action of the thyroid with too-rapid beating of the heart, severe anemia, nutritional deficiencies, or habitual taking of drugs or poisons may be a prime factor. The doctor has to make a thorough study using many laboratory tests to determine the cause with certainty. Dr. Tinsley Harrison has said that nearly all patients with true asthenia have lassitude but the majority of patients with lassitude do not have asthenia.
When people are troubled by faintness, lightheadedness or dizziness a great variety of conditions must be investigated. Usually this symptom results from disturbance of the supply of blood to the brain. The difficulty may be in the blood vessels of the brain, in the power of action of the heart or in the quality of the blood. The symptom can occur also in epilepsy and in hysterical conditions. Sudden drop in the sugar in the blood also causes this symptom. This symptom makes people anxious, although the conditions causing it are seldom fatal.
Coma Or Unconsciousness
Persistent unconsciousness or coma is quite different from recurrent or repeated attacks of sudden fainting. The coma may be preceded by stupor or may alternate with delirium. Among the common causes of coma are serious deficiencies of oxygen, sugar or vitamins; excessive amounts of sedative or hypnotic or narcotic drugs. Coma occurs from intoxications associated with diabetes, uremia or liver disturbances. Heat stroke or freezing may result in long periods of unconsciousness. Damage to the circulation of the blood and excessive pressure on the brain, such as that which follows fractured skull or concussion, may be the cause of loss of consciousness that persists.
When the doctor examines a patient who has been long in coma he must find out first and as soon as possible the cause of the condition. Frequently unconscious people have been thrown into jail with a charge of drunkenness, when the cause of their stupor was not alcohol but a skull fracture. The same thing has happened to people who had had too much insulin. A person intoxicated by alcohol has the odor of alcohol on the breath; diabetic coma carries with it an odor like that of spoiled fruit and uremia gives an odor to the breath like that of urine. An exceedingly high temperature may mean heat stroke.
The doctor may measure the patient's blood pressure as a clue to the cause of unconsciousness. An exceedingly high blood pressure may mean a stroke, or apoplexy, or uremia. An exceedingly low pressure may mean diabetes, drugs, drunkenness, or a hemorrhage.
No single mechanism is known that is responsible for all kinds of convulsions. Changes in the supply of oxygen reaching the brain, in the relationship between acid and alkali-called the acid-base-balance; changes in the amount of calcium, sugar or chlorides in the blood; disturbance of the fluid balance or equilibrium between salt and water in the body and associated changes in the pressure on the brain have all been related to convulsions. A great variety of conditions may develop in which these chemical changes in the tissues of the body occur.
By a series of careful examinations the doctor can often classify convulsions in relationship to a definite cause, but there still remain great numbers of cases for which no specific cause can be determined. Where some positive factor is established-for instance, pressure on the brain from a growth, a gunshot wound or a fracture-some positive measures may be taken to control the epilepsy. Convulsions in children are most often idiopathic epilepsy. In older people a definite cause may be found as a tumor, or a change in pressure on the brain from some other cause.
When a person has convulsions, help should be given to keep him from injuring himself by falling against hard or sharp objects. A soft gag in the mouth will prevent biting or injuring the mouth and tongue. Doctors can prescribe or give by injection drugs that serve to induce quiet. However, any attack of convulsions should always be an indication or a warning that immediate steps must be taken to determine what is wrong.
Startling and frightening to any person is sudden loss of ability to move any portion of the body that one moves voluntarily. The anxiety associated with sudden loss of ability to see, or hear, or taste, or feel heat or pain, strikes terrible dismay. Yet these conditions are frequent enough to warrant the assurance that good medical care can do much to alleviate the difficulties and benefit people who have been stricken with paralysis.
Of course, such diseases as infantile paralysis or meningitis or encephalitis may damage only certain groups of muscles. From the area involved and the symptoms associated the doctor may be able to tell the portion of the spinal cord or brain that is damaged. Much depends on whether there is just failure of movement, or whether this is accompanied by wasting of the tissues, difficulty in circulation of the blood or other significant factors.
Harm may come to the nervous system from hemorrhages, infections, blows or injuries, tearing or breaking of the nerves. A nerve can be injured in an arm or a leg, which then affects only the muscles reached by that nerve. A knowledge of just where each nerve originates and goes is needed for a diagnosis. Specialists with such knowledge are called neurologists.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Heart Attack - Delaying Brain Death in Cardiac Arrest Victims

By Jeffrey Dobkin
As the victim of a heart attack stops breathing, a process of irreversible brain damage starts to occur within the first three or four minutes. Or, does it?
Years ago, while researching heart attack and cases of sudden cardiac arrest, I stumbled upon an article in Newsweek Magazine about a boy drowning in icy waters. Despite being submerged for over half an hour, he was pulled from the frigid river, resuscitated, and lived to recover completely. He suffered no brain damage, and I wondered how this could happen.
My investigations shifted to how some people can apparently drown in cold water, have their heart stop beating (as in acute myocardial infarction or cardiac arrest,) stop breathing, and upon resuscitation - sometimes up to an hour later - completely recover and experience no brain damage.
I wondered if a person's chance for survival from a heart attack without brain damage could be extended past the 4-minute mark, as if he were submerged in cold water.
My investigations became centered around why there is a delay of brain damage and brain death in cold water drowning victims and could that transfer to heart attack victims.
Brain Injury
An injury to the brain occurs when the flow of blood is disrupted. It's called a hypoxic-anoxic brain injury or "HAI." Hypoxic means partial lack of oxygen, anoxic means total lack of oxygen.
When oxygen deprivation to the brain is caused by an internal event like a heart attack, or acute myocardial infarction, it is considered an Hypoxicischemic injury - or HII. The most frequent cause is from cardiac arrest.
Driven to Research
I became curious... Every day I thought about "What if?"
What if... we could delay brain death by submersing the heart attack victim in cold water?
What if... in an emergency - a victim could be placed in cold water at the first signs of cardiac arrest.
What if... we could trigger this delay of brain damage in the event of an acute myocardial infarction by placing the victim in a cold shower? What if... that would delay the onset of an hypoxic brain damage injury? What if... there was just something we could do to delay brain death in heart attack victims - like in cold water drownings...
The real question remained: In an emergency can the delay of brain damage be extended in cardiac arrest victims?
If this were possible, to delay brain damage past four minutes, it would allow critical extra time before brain damage would start to occur to allow emergency personnel to reach heart attack victims and apply CPR, chest compressions or other therapy.
What if... you lived in the country and your spouse had a heart attack, and you didn't know CPR? Would submersion in cold water delay the onset of brain damage? Because your choices of what you can do would be very poor without this kind of option. You could call for help or an ambulance, then you could watch. Sorry if this doesn't sound good, but that's the reality of it.
The questions kept me up at nights for years.
I kept thinking about it and thinking about it - what is it about cold water that delayed brain damage? Can this be used in heart attack victims? What if... if it worked? How many lives it would save.
I spent the nights and weekends, and the next few summers in the Philadelphia medical hospital libraries. Days and nights of research. Until I figured out the answer. And here it is.
Here's how to delay brain damage in heart attack victims.
My research into cold water drowning victims showed that the hypothermia created by the cold water helps to delay brain damage in cold water drowning victims. But that's not the specific reason cold water drowning victims survive up to an hour with no brain damage.
The specific reason cold-water drowning victims survival without brain damage is due to the triggering of a natural reflex called the Mammalian Diving Reflex. This oxygen-conserving reflex - found in all mammals - is responsible for delaying brain death and saving cold water drowning victim's lives without brain injury, or HAI.
My research also uncovered that the specific trigger point of initiating the diving reflex is a facial immersion in cold water. Just the face. Cold water - face only, triggers this entire reflex.
When the oxygen supply to the brain of a person is shut off by heart attack or acute myocardial infarction, I believe it is possible to delay the onset of brain damage by triggering the mammalian diving reflex.
The Dobkin Technique to trigger the diving reflex is to apply wet, cold compresses TO THE FACE of the victim. When a person has a heart attack and stops breathing, immediately apply cold water, cold wet towels, or cold compresses (58 degrees or colder) to the face of the victim specifically covering the eyes.
The eyes, the ophthalmic nerve, is the exact trigger point to initiate the diving reflex - and delay the onset of brain damage formerly thought to occur within 3 to 4 minutes of oxygen deprivation to the brain.
The most apparent and immediate application for initiating the Dobkin Technique is to delay brain damage in heart attack victims. Heart attacks are the fourth largest cause of death in the U.S. Using The Dobkin Trigger to initiate the diving reflex would expand the 3 or 4 minute safety window by delaying brain damage and brain death up to a half hour, maybe longer in heart attack victims.
The Dobkin Technique to delay brain death in heart attack victims will also work in victims of suffocation (asphyxia), electrocution, drug overdose, warm water drownings (which does not trigger this reflex), chest trauma - all these people could be helped by this easy to use, time-buying procedure of a simple cold wet towel or cold water compress to the face to delay the onset of brain damage.
You can help. You can help a lot. Simply be aware you may be able to save someone's life by initiating the Dobkin Technique - the immediate application of cold water or cold wet towels to the face of a heart attack victim in an emergency.
The Dobkin Technique is a simple-to-do, non-invasive time-buying procedure to delay brain damage. It can be explained over the phone. The procedure can be done someone who is not trained; or by a child.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Fit Are You and Your Family

By Priscilla Yao
Undoubtedly, the vast majority of people in this country are way below real physical fitness. We misuse our bodies by letting them get 'rusty'. Watch a healthy child for a while: on the go all the time; bending, stretching, hopping, running, tumbling and then sleeping soundly at night. A healthy adult should be the same.
Ask anyone who has ever embarked on a course of exercises or who has joined a Keep Fit class, and they will tell you the same tale: of the agonies of initial stiffness, of the realization of how out of condition they were, and of how they felt much better for it later.
Exercising will trim you into a better shape, it's really a case of redistribution. Give yourself this little test: stand on your scales in front of a full-length mirror. Now, pull in your tummy and your bottom, hold your head well and make your back straighter. You won't have lost any weight but you'll look much better. Exercise will help you to achieve this look.
What is needed is sensible and regular exercise, preferably a combination of some formal exercise routine and an active participation in some sport. Have you got a swimming bath near your home? Try a family swim on Saturday morning. If one or more members of the family can't swim, all the more reason to go. Tennis, Badminton, squash, golf, and indoor bowls are all increasing in popularity, and many Local Authorities provide facilities for these, in addition to the more expensive private clubs. Getting your body into good shape is a form of life insurance.
Encourage the children to play active games outside, unless the weather is really dreadful. Make sure they have toys for their activities: roller skates, a football, a rubber ring, a child-size badminton set, skipping ropes, a bamboo `bar' for high-jumps, etc. If they get bored, send them out on a Scavenger Hunt to find - for example - the prettiest leaf, the roundest stone, the most twisted stick. Always take a ball with you when you go for a picnic or a walk in the park; as a general rule the children who are encouraged to be active are the ones who get into the school team.
Men, especially those who have sedentary jobs; should try to take some form of exercise at least three times a week. There's no reason why a man shouldn't start with the exercise routine starting for `bust' read 'chest'! Later on a subscription to the local Health Club or Tennis Club might make a good Christmas present. To find an ideal set of simple exercises for home, we enrolled the help of the Westside Health Club in London, where the very fitness and enthusiasm of the staff is a tonic.
Priscilla Yao is a cooking lover, who enjoys thoroughly been teaching in food industry almost 15 years. Currently she has involved teaching in Healthy food, the Miracle Diet for Fast Weight Loss and The completed Low Cholesterol Cook Book, The Lazy Lady's Easy Diets, A Slimmer Way of Life and Healthy Kids Diets.

5 Keys to Real Fat Loss

By Natasha Linton
Often fitness professionals get asked how one can burn fat in certain areas of the body. To burn fat and to keep it off takes some work. Instead of going for that fad diet save yourself some time and do what actually works.
Here are 5 keys to guaranteed fat loss.
1) Perform active rest For fat loss constant movement is a requirement. To sit on during a weight machine during a workout and rest for 30 seconds in between exercises will take 1 million years for one to burn fat. Skip the weight machines completely, stand up and lift free weights. In between the exercises of your workout perform jumping jacks or mountain climbers for 30 seconds.
2) Perform dynamic exercises Unless you absolutely love spending hours in the gym spend less time in the gym with exercises that work more muscle groups at one time. This is one guaranteed way to make you lose some fat. Super exercises for fat loss are the squat, jump rope, mountain climbers and the bent over row.
3) Resistance train Aerobic gym classes are ok as a part of your workout program. For better fat loss results perform some form of resistance training. Body weight exercises and free weights are great for this. An aesthetically pleasing body will come. Also when you lose the weight you wouldn't want your skin to just hang there right?
4) Make small tweaks There is always something you can change about your lifestyle to ensure you lose fat and keep it off. Small tweaks go far. Try cutting out bagels for breakfast and cut out the sugary drinks. You'll notice a difference in how you look and feel.
5) Plan The most successful people in the world take the time to plan. Sit down and think why you've got to lose weight - is it because of your family health history or to make that special someone look at you more? Then sit down and map out your daily schedule and where you can fit 15-20 minutes in for exercise.

5 Benefits of Undulation

By Anita Boser
Life requires movement. At a minimum, this movement entails breath and circulation; at an idyllic state, it entails continual development. When we don't move, we starve the body and incur lasting stagnation, injury, and illness. Through the use of regular movement, you can learn to prevent and cure muscular discomfort, maintain bodily health, and experience the enjoyment healthy living generates.
One form of movement you can perform from the convenience of your home, and in as little as five minutes a day is Undulation. These specialized movements take the form of various exercises designed to make everyday movements easier on the body by increasing flexibility, strength, and awareness, and nourishing the spine. Here are the top five reasons to incorporate Undulation into your daily routine:
1) Undulation increases flexibility
Many people think that stretching is the key to flexibility. And while stretching does offer a number of health benefits, and increases the flexibility of healthy muscles, it fails to address unhealthy muscles. Many times, our "problem" muscles are dehydrated, and have become encased in a stiff connective tissue that stretching can't correct. If your muscles feel crunchy and tight, and stretching has failed to heal them, try performing simple Undulation exercises. The flowing micro-movements will makes muscles pliable and flexible.
2) Undulation strengthens core muscles
Hundreds of muscle fibers surround the spine. Despite this, the average person fails to engage most of these muscles, resulting in stiffness and back pain. Regular exercise routines neglect smaller muscles, such as the multifidi, semispinalis, and rotators, leaving them fallow and weak. The small, focused movements of Undulation however, engage the core, strengthening the muscles surrounding the spine.
3) Undulation movements nourish the spine
A series of fluid-filled discs serve as cushions between the vertebrae of the spine. When these discs aren't in optimal condition, they can shrink and bulge, causing discomfort, and decreasing height in old age. Because the spine's discs don't receive direct blood supply, they depend on gently movement in order to stay healthy. Undulation provides the just the right amount of movement to nourish discs and ligaments.
4) Undulation increases body awareness
By being in-tune with your body, you can avoid the slew of injuries every-day life encourages. When you take a few minutes every day to listen to what your body needs, and respond accordingly, you begin to develop an awareness that benefits your entire life. Undulation can teach you to tune-in.
5) Undulation makes other movements easier
The spine is the center of movement, so when it is strong, healthy, and flexible, performing any kind of movement becomes easier. Even standing up from a seated position requires movement in the spine. Looking over your shoulder, bending over to pick something up, and swinging a golf club require even more spine movement. Undulation encourages the spinal well being that bring ease and comfort to all daily movements.

Natural and Medicinal Back Pain Remedies

By Greg Schenk

Back Pain is one of the most famous health issues in the world. What is Back Pain? What causes it? Is there any remedy? Natural or not? Well, read more to take action to this. Back Pain, also known as "dorsalgia," is a pain that is felt in the back from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. One common major cause of this is muscle strain or strain. There are many ways to heal it. Let us talk about the natural way of healing.
(1) Massage - it's a short relief that is very effective. You may want to go to a spa or any a therapist that would love to help you with your problem or you can simply do it on your own.
(2) Exercise - doing exercise can help ease the pain. Like stretching or lying in a flat board or anything that is flat while breathing in and breathing out.
(3) Rest - take a break and relax.
(4) Sleep - when sleeping put a pillow between the knees while lying on one side. This may increase comfort or lay your back with a pillow under your knees.
(5) Deep heating rubs.
(6) Sun exposure - wake up early on the morning between 5am to 8am.
(7) Hot or cold compression therapy - you can do this by putting an ice bag or a hot compress on the strain. These are some remedies that can help you through the day.
Now let's talk about treating back pain the medicinal way. I would like to remind you that these remedies are not for severe ones. The most common way of treating back pains is drinking medicine like Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen it can easily be bought over the counter. This is a superb short-time treatment. Another way is applying Capsaicin Cream or Menthol Oil in the affected part. It has active ingredients of chilli or menthol that helps soothes the back pain.
If you are experiencing back pains, it can also mean that you lack Vitamin D, which is found on fish, fortified milk and cereals. You can also take Vitamin D supplements. (Please consult your doctor for the daily dosages). The most famous and effective method is Acupuncture. It is a natural pain-relieving opioid that sends signals to calm the sympathetic nervous system and releases neurochemicals and hormones. It will help you heal and rejuvenate your whole body. (Consult some doctors for this). That's it. I hope that all your questions are answered.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How to Treat Your Own Back and Neck Pain

By Steven Visentin, D.C.
Many patients see me after ruining their chances for quick recovery from back and neck pain. They try to fix themselves at home using the wrong kind of care to help their spinal problems. They use heat, when they should use ice. They rest when they should move. Worst of all, they delay necessary care hoping their problems will magically disappear.
It's important to use ice early on in most cases of back or neck pain. Using ice from 5-20 minutes while protecting the skin with a soft cotton towel can provide quick relief. This is especially true if the injury is new or intense in nature. We see this care given to professional athletes everyday on TV. A football player will get ice immediately after an injury. Why not do the same for ourselves?
Later on, hot tubs or hot showers can be excellent for achy, old injuries and provide relief and increased mobility.
The old electric heating pad places potentially dangerous electrical currents near delicate injured tissues. Many scientists feel this interferes with the body's inborn healing potential. Heating pads temporarily mask pain, while prolonging the problem by disrupting the bodies bioelectrical repair systems at the cellular level.
Another old fallacy that prevents quick recovery is the idea that we must rest in bed when we have back pain. This myth is so entrenched, that even physicians who should know better, recommend bed rest. While this may feel good initially, it can lead to rapid loss of strength of the muscles around the spine that help keep it erect. Rapid de-conditioning leads to longer periods of intense pain and stalls the recovery process. Science has shown, that people who stay active with back pain, do better than those forced to rest in bed.
Of course the best way to mess your spine up and perhaps your entire life is to do nothing. Worry. Imagine the absolute worst as you let your spine deteriorate. Don't even consider calling a chiropractor that specializes in these injuries. Take ibuprofen and other medicines that undermine the integrity of the natural self-healing systems necessary for full recovery. Delude yourself into thinking "if one pill is good, many pills are better." Of course, this is a prescription for disaster.
It's shocking how often people don't use ice, remain active and avoid needless pain by calling a qualified doctor of chiropractic. Suffering prolonged back or neck pain due to the wrong kind of self-care is a tragedy that no one should endure.

Exercises to Help Lower Back Pain

By Thomas Ludwig
Exercises is a grate way to help relieve your lower back pain. There are many good Aerobic Exercise that you can do with chronic back pain.
You may want to avoid high-impact exercises. Walking and cycling is grate, a long with swimming; this all so helps giving you a healthy heart!!
Stretching is very important to. This is a good stretching exercise you can do. Go and lie on your back; with your legs bent; your knees are up. Now lift one left leg with your hands, hold for 10 to 15 sec. Then your other leg.
Try these core strengthening exercises. This will help back pain, strengthening muscles in your back and your abdomen. This will help support your spine. I have very bad arthritis and I do these exercises every day. In the morning and at night.
Go ahead lie on your back with your knees bent, like before, go ahead and lift each leg off the floor 4 or 6 in. and hold in place for about 30 or more Sec. These exercises helps strengthening, the back of your legs, your stomach muscles. This will help take the stress off your lower back.
back pain. Is with people with week backs try to lift something, this is why exercises' is very important, to strengthen your back. Strong gluteus "butt muscles" and your abs will help your lower back. Do not over do it; work your muscles slowly, at first, then in one to two weeks you can increase your work out.
Now go-ahead lie down your stomach cross your arms lay your head down, now straiten your legs out and lift, one leg at a time. Lift about 3to 4 in. off the floor. Do about 5 reps. Each leg.
The reason to stretch your muscles, well think about it, is tight muscle in your back can cause injuries. See when you stretch these muscles. It will help your joints in the spine move free, to prevent injuries to your lower back.
All of these stretching exercises are grate to help your lower back feel better. This is the main thing here is to feel better, so you can live a better and healthier life.

Back Pain Cause

By John H. Miller
Nine times out of ten people diagnosing the cause of lower back pain miss the point.
People with lower back pain will be told that the cause of the pain is a herniated disc. Of course that may be right, but the question, 'What's the cause of the herniated disc?' is rarely contemplated. The diagnosis is therefore inadequate. In fact it's well nigh useless.
And if the diagnosis is useless then so is the treatment. Would you put your car in the hands of a mechanic who didn't know the cause of problem? Of course not. So why put your body in the hands of a therapist who didn't know the cause of the problem? You're wasting your money.
The ultimate cause of most herniated discs is tight calf, hamstring and buttock muscles that drag the pelvis out of alignment. It gets tilted back, rotated around and one side will become lower than the other.
The problem is exacerbated by weak trunk muscles - front, back and core. (In fact strong trunk muscles may well save you from lower back problems by acting like a corset to support the bones of the back in their misaligned state; but tight calf, hamstring and buttock muscles continue their persistent march toward dysfunction.)
Once the pelvis moves out of alignment, the bones above it get taken out of alignment, putting pressure on muscles, tendons, ligaments and discs.
Gradually over the weeks, months, years and decades the nucleus of the disc gets squeezed out. You don't know this is happening. In fact you could be 99% of the way to having a herniated disc and think your back is in great shape.
Then one day you swivel around to pick up a phone book, or put a bag of fertilizer into the trunk of your car and BAMMO, you've got a herniated disc. The immediate incident gets the blame. If it happens at work, work will get the blame and the full responsibility for fixing you up. Hello!
With a badly herniated disc you can't sneeze or cough it hurts so much. You can't put on your socks, you can't bend over the basin to brush your teeth.
In a vapid and useless explanation, your doctor will tell you your back pain is caused by your herniated disc. Your radiologist will give you no advice whatever as to the cause. They aren't allowed an opinion as to causation. Their job starts and finishes with a description of what they see on the X-ray.
You can read all about what's really going on at the Global Back Care and Egoscue websites.
You won't get much solace from the orthopods, chiros and physios. They get side-tracked by the pain; they continue to look at and rub, crunch, shock and heat up the point where it hurts - rather than teaching you to loosen the tight muscles that have caused the problem in the first place.
Two key principles:
1. Bones do what muscles tell them to do. This knocks chiropractic into a cocked hat. The physios aren't looking too good either. They'll go for the quick fix; they'll go for the palliative palpitation, then stick you in a room with ten other people and hook you up to a machine.
The long term fix is a strength and flexibility training program, though, to be fair, even in the acute phase, a few hours doing some simple stretches will relieve a lot of pain.
Any therapist that doesn't send you away having taught you a dozen or so key strength and flexibility exercises is falling down on the job. They want you to come back.
2. The cause of the pain is rarely at the site of the pain.
So there you have it. Don't ask what your therapist can do for you, ask what you can do for yourself. You can't subcontract out your own strength and flexibility training program.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Tips For Good Mental Health

By Anitha Isaac
Staying mentally fit is very important, rather than treating illness it would be better to prevent it from happening at all. If you follow some simple tips, you shall be mentally fit and happy, forever.
Sharing feelings is a very good habit. It helps you get a clearer view of your own thoughts and analyze the problem, if any. If you do not have anyone to share your feelings with, you might as well call a helpline. Talking to someone not only lowers your burden, chances are you might get good helpful suggestions from your listener. If something is troubling you, you may even write it down which enables you to analyze things better.
Physical activity is very important and helps keep you mentally fit. As you exercise the uplifting chemicals gets released into your bodies and you start feeling better. Half an hour of exercise each day is enough for mental peace. A balanced diet is absolutely essential for proper mental health. Researches have shown there is a direct link between what you eat and the way you feel.
Improper sleeping habits can cause mental health problems. At least eight hours of sleep at night is required, not only for your mental health but skin too. Avoid the intake of too much of alcohol. If you have it before going to bed, chances are that it may ruin your sleep. Keep in regular touch with your friends and loved ones. Even if you do not have time enough to meet them regularly, contact them through emails, phone calls or simply texts.
Anyone can feel low or anxious and it is quite normal. If these feelings keep reoccurring for more than few weeks, its time you get professional help. Consult your physician and discuss about your problems. Professional support can be really helpful and you should seek it on time to avoid serious mental health problems.

Why Exercise is Very Important

By Jen Aguirre
If you are the average American who juggles a full-time job and a family, you're pulled in many different directions at once. Many people juggle a family, full-time job while going to school. This hustle and bustle pace of life sadly has become the norm for many of us, and after awhile, it takes its toll. Sadly, we see more and more people having to rely on medications for anxiety and depression just to cope with their day-to-day lives. But is there something else we can do to help ourselves cope with stress?
Exercise is a very effective weapon against the enemy of depression and anxiety disorders. Some people may argue they are stretched to the max already, how can they possibly find the time to exercise? Discovering just how effective exercise can be in alleviating and possibly preventing the symptoms of depression and anxiety may just inspire you to make the time.
The good news is, you can reap the emotional benefits of exercise in as little as ten minutes if that is all you have. The point is to get your body moving in one way or another for at least ten minutes a day, building up as you go along. Chances are you will feel so much better that you will find ways to make time for exercise.
Just how does exercise impact emotional health? For starters, it stimulates the release of endorphins, which are the body's "feel-good" chemicals (proteins, actually). Exercise has a soothing effect on the nervous system, which helps to alleviate pain and elevate mood. By walking thirty minutes a day, five days a week, you are helping your body combat the symptoms of depression and anxiety. It generally takes approximately a month of consistent exercise for evidence of efficacy, but keeping this pace helps ensure the symptoms to do not reoccur.
Exercise is also effective in reducing the effects of muscular tension caused by stress. Exercise increases the blood flow to the muscles, thereby reducing tension. If you start to feel yourself become stressed while at work, stopping for a moment to take even a brisk five-minute walk can make a huge difference in reducing tension, clearing your mind and elevating your mood. That headache you felt coming on a little bit ago will most likely disappear and you can return to your activities refreshed.
Most of us have a hard time sleeping when we are stressed or depressed. We may find that our minds are racing when it's time for bed, and are unable to sleep until it's almost time to wake up. Regular exercise helps to expend that nervous energy, which in turn, allows us to sleep a lot better. Exercise has been proven to improve the quality of sleep, which goes hand in hand with combating the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Thirty minutes of brisk exercise coupled with at least 7 hours of sleep is a winning combination to improved mood and reduced stress levels.
With all the benefits exercise boasts, it's really more than worth it to find the time to fit it into your daily regime. Incorporating small changes at first, such as parking as far away as possible from your destination and walking the rest of the way can go a long way to establishing healthy exercise habits. You will find your moods are better, your mind is clearer and the tasks of the day may seem less daunting. Not to mention, your waistline will be shrinking, too!

Body Weight Exercises For Women

By Mohamad Alodah
Body weight exercises for women can be as effective as using external weights, like dumbbells, resistance bands and tubes, kettlebells, barbells, and machine weights.
However, many women are under the impression of having a real workout think it is by only using external weights. That is not completely true, and I will explain briefly to you why this is not the case.
Many of the famous bodybuilders in the 1920's and 1930's have achieved excellent physiques in terms of strength and the aesthetic look by performing primarily body weight exercises.
Many of the gymnastics (whether professionals or amateur) have reached impressive strength, flexibility, and very desirable physiques from using their own body weights as the bulk of their physical training.
Many of the martial art athletes use the same method of resistance which is the manipulation of body weight exercises. This is important for women who are limited by time, affordability, or just too many managing tasks to understand this concept so they are not bound to one school-of-thought by thinking they must go to the gym in order to lose weight or firm up their body!
As long as the body is receiving a stimulus of resistance whether it is coming from dumbbells, resistance bands, a sack of potatoes, or your own body weight, it will react appropriately to that resistance.
Some of the Effective Body weight Exercises for Women
Body weight Exercises for Legs
1- Step Up: using a step up exercise to firm your legs by simply using a stairwell, or any sturdy flat object like a stool, chair, or bench.
2- Forward Lunges: there are different types of body weight lunges you can perform and increase the level of difficulties. Another excellent exercise for your legs is the forward lunges; where you take a long step or lunge forward with your left leg and then squat until the back knee (of your right leg) almost touches the ground.
3-Side Lunges: is another great exercise to work the legs and butt. In side lunges, for example, you perform the step or lunge to the right side, then squat, push yourself back to the beginning position and take a side step to left, and then repeat.
Body weight Exercises for Arms and Chest
Push-ups are a wonderful exercise to perform, and it works your chest and the back muscles of your arms area which is called "the triceps".
There are a fair number of women who are not able to perform regular push-ups, so I recommend to you to use many of the furniture objects that are elevated off the ground, like the edge of the bed, chair, sofa, or even a wall. Therefore, performing elevated push ups will make it easier than the regular push ups where you perform them on the floor.
There are countless numbers of body weight exercises to target all your muscles in your body and knowing that, this information will provide you with a strength and freedom from being bound to one thing only.