Monday, March 29, 2010

The Best Time to Start Rotator Cuff Repair Exercises

By Richard F. Harris

The most common kind of shoulder injury is rotator cuff. Almost a million suffer from it every year. If you are one of them, you need to engage in some rotator cuff repair exercises. You need to ask your doctor for an advice on this matter. It is actually more than just fixing the torn area but also strengthening it as well. If you are engage in sports, there is a greater risk for you to have this injury especially if you are doing over the head movements. Aside from sports related, your work and age play a role in having this problem.
If you experience symptoms, it is best to undergo rotator cuff repair exercises. The good news is that it wouldn't take time and you wouldn't sweat much. If you decide to exercise the muscles, you can opt to add weights. Most of the rotator cuff repair exercises involve gentle ones. In this way, you can control the intensity of the activity. Before you start, it is best that you heal first. This is true so that you wouldn't experience pain. If the pain is too much, it might be too late to start undergoing exercise.
The condition can be so painful. Any movement can actually lead to further more damage in the long run. The best idea is to take a rest. Treat the inflammation and manage it before starting any kind of exercise. There are some that are not just meant to relieve the inflammation or strengthen the muscles; it can also prevent injuries in the future.

What You Need to Know About Rotator Cuff Injuries

By Jim Batuyong

Injuries to the rotator cuff are common because of our dependence on the shoulder for the many activities we participate in. These injuries can be frustrating because of the limited movement it causes due to the pain in the shoulder. Here are a few things you need to know about rotator cuff injuries.
First, you should know that shoulder pain is extremely common and is caused by many things. Many baseball pitchers develop shoulder pain from throwing the ball but injuries can be caused anytime you overuse your shoulders. Painters, for example, have a high rate of rotator cuff injuries which can be explained by the constant up and down movement required in the job. Since the pain can cause significant problems for the individual, you must identify the cause of the problem so you will be able to get proper treatment.
The obvious and most common symptom of a rotator cuff injury is the pain it causes. Typically, the pain comes from the top of the shoulder and arm but in some cases, the pain is said to come down the outside of the arm all the way to the elbow. Weakness is also very common for people with rotator cuff injuries and the lack of ones ability to lift their arm. This will cause you to have a difficult time doing basic activities like getting dressed or reaching for something overhead.
Although it is a painful injury, most cases of rotator cuff tears can be treated without surgery. Of course, in extreme cases, the damage to the tendons may be bad enough to require surgical repair but those cases are a small minority of people requiring treatment. Most common treatments are physical therapy, anti-inflammatory pain medication and cortisone injections. Physical therapy will help strengthen the muscles around the injured tendon and help compensate for it. Anti-inflammatory pain medications and cortisone injections will help reduce inflammation and reduce the pain to the injured area.
As with any injury that lasts more than three days, you should consult your doctor for treatment. There are several surgical options for rotator cuff tears that will be dependent on the exact type of injury suffered, the surgeons preference, and the type of activities you wish to do after recovery. Before undergoing surgery, discuss other possible options for treatment. If you do not feel surgery is necessary, it would be wise to get a second opinion.

How to Treat a Sprain

By C. Dillon

With March Madness in full swing, we are seeing more and more basketball-related injuries, particularly ankle and wrist sprains. A sprain is an injury to the joint tissue that typically occur when the joint overstretches or is overloaded by a sudden twist or fall. They can also be caused by overuse in repetitive activities or sports. The sprain results in swelling, loss of movement, inability to support weight, pain, and occasional discoloration. In some instances a sprain can feel feel a lot like a fracture.
The most common location of a sprain is extremity joints, such as the ankle and wrist, but I have seen my fair share of neck sprain as well. In treating these sprains, a good acronym to remember is HI-RICE - hydrate, ibuprofen, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. The following is a summary of the steps you should take to treat a sprain:
HYDRATE. As with any illness or injury, always drink plenty of water. Water is essential for recovery.
IBUPROFEN. It will reduce swelling and help control joint inflammation. If you are an athlete you can get a special prescription from your physician for a higher dosage to help speed along your recovery.
REST. Stay off this injured joint as much as possible. You can use crutches, and in many instances, the injured area should be immobilized with a support brace or splint.
ICE. You should ice the injury as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the longer the injury will take to heal. For the first two days of the injury, you should apply ice for 20 to 40 minutes every 2 to 4 hours.
COMPRESS. To further reduce swelling, wrap the injured area with an elastic bandage. Make sure it is snug, but does not cut off circulation.
ELEVATE. Elevate the injury above the heart, which also further reduce swelling.
After three days, you should start applying heat to the sprained area which will help speed along the healing process even more.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Your Headaches May Be Caused by Tense Neck Muscles

By Dilbert Johnsen

Massage therapists report that neck massages are some of the most common they perform...a fact that's not really surprising when you stop to think about that area of your body. The most obvious contributor to neck pain is - as we all know - that unavoidable stress. Whenever we suffer from stress and tension, the neck can suffer most - in the form of pain and swelling - very quickly. And when that happens, the pain is felt not only in our neck, but in our head, back and shoulders as well. The good news is that a neck rub is a proven treatment for the pain and swelling brought on by stress.
Many factors can contribute to neck pain and can also be effectively treated by neck rub therapy. As mentioned, the most dominant cause of neck pain is stress, but some other common contributors include trauma/injury, muscular problems, trapped nerves or arthritis located in the neck area. Neck massages can provide relief from these contributors as well as those associated with pain from sleeping in an awkward position, carrying a heavy object or sitting too long at work. Engaging in neck massage therapy can reduce the instances of future problems.
So how do you know if the pain you are experiencing is actually neck pain? Below are some identifiers of neck indication that a neck rub is needed:
*Stiffness that affects the neck muscles;
* A radiating pain to the shoulders or between the shoulder blades;
* A one-sided or double-sided headache which produces pain in the arm, neck or head;
* Tense muscles in the neck which feel hard and sore;
* Pain at the base of the skull accompanied by weakness in the arms, shoulders and neck;
* Prickly or tingling sensation in the fingers and/or arms.
Neck massage is extremely effective in reducing stiffness and pain in the neck. So what are the most common benefits of neck massage therapy?
* Neck rubs are convenient and can basically be performed at any time and any place.
* A neck massage can be very beneficial in a short period of time.
* This type of massages delivers relief to not only the neck, but also the back, head and shoulders.
* By expanding the muscles in the neck, a neck massages doubles as an energizer for your body and leaves you feeling totally relaxed.
* It's proven to be instrumental in removing stress from your entire body.
* A neck rub can relieve knotted muscles and improve blood circulation.
In some instances, the area of your body where you experience pain may not be the actual source of it. Tightness at the base of your skull - for example - could be felt as a pain in your shoulder, upper arm or in the form of a headache. For quick and affordable relief of this type of pain, many are turning to neck massage therapy, and enjoying great results.
To reap the full benefit of a neck rub, be sure to have it done by a trained professional. And be sure to do it sooner rather than later...neck pain can quickly spread to other parts of your body if left unattended.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

7 Simple Ways to Minimize the Risk of Stroke

By Paris Novianto
Most stroke occurs when blood can not reach a part of the brain. Mild stroke symptoms will usually return to normal quickly, less than one hour. Symptoms of stroke are generally more weight will cause a more typical symptoms, such as paralysis. There have been many articles that discuss about the symptoms and treatment of this disease. But here are 6 ways how to reduce the risk of this disease.
Diligent blood pressure checked
According to Prof. Stephen Davis, Director of Neurology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, hypertension is a risk factor most easily controlled. The decline in blood was, was enough to reduce the risk of stroke by 40%. The problem is that the high blood pressure at a early level is difficult to detect, because symptoms are often not clearly visible. Because it is the only way is to do blood pressure checks on a regular basis. While the way to reduce blood pressure by losing weight, reducing salt and diligent exercise.
Stop smoking
Cigarettes causes the blood becomes thick. It can damage the arteries due to fatty deposits forming on the walls of blood vessels. Smoking may increase the risk of stroke two to three times. Benefits of quitting smoking can be felt only after 12 to 24 months.
Check cholesterol
Bad cholesterol (LDL) cholesterol, high arrives may increase the risk of stroke in two times higher. Control your cholesterol by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Improve diet
Poor diet can cause obesity and lead to hypertension and high cholesterol can encourage stroke attack. Lower your risk by consuming enough fiber and low in saturated fat foods. Reduce salt and alcohol.
People with the pattern of a sedentary life tend to have high blood pressure and obesity. Exercise can reduce the stress that was one stroke risk factors and heart disease. Perform light exercise such as walking for 30 minutes every day. If you have never previously do sport, consult with your doctor first.
Maintaining a healthy heart
Atrial fibrilation or irregular heartbeat may increase the risk of stroke 6-8 times. Atrial fibrilation occurs when the heart sends the foyer of the abnormal electrical signals to the lower chamber, causing the heart rate becomes irregular. Symptoms can include heart pounding, gasping breath, dizziness and chest pains.
People with such symptoms have an increased risk of experiencing blood clots. Immediately do the electrocardiogram examination to detect heart abnormalities. Your doctor will prescribe preventive medicine to reduce blood clotting and the risk of stroke.
Regular coffee consumption was able to reduce the risk of stroke in women. The results of this study have been published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association. This study showed that women who drank four cups of coffee per day or more had been reduced approximately 20% risk of stroke compared with women who ate a cup of coffee a month. Drink 2 or 3 cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of stroke by as much as 19%. Meanwhile, if drank as many as five to seven times a week can reduce the risk by 12%.
But keep in mind that coffee is also associated with other types such as heart disease and osteoporosis. So you should be more careful.

The 4 Warning Signs of a Stroke

By Catherine Van Der Weele
If someone near you was having a stroke, would you know what was happening? Would you recognise the signs? And more importantly, would you know what to do?
By the end of this article you will have the confidence to recognise the warning signs of a stroke and the knowledge will allow you to react calmly and quickly which can result in you saving the life of your loved one.
Sometimes a stroke can go by unnoticed. You will think you have had a little fall and that you just lost your balance in a clumsy moment of silliness. The truth of the incident will only come out hours later when you realise that you are still not feeling any better and there is something horribly wrong with you. If you are unsure and you are feeling a little strange after a fall, check the four symptoms below.
If you think you are witnessing a stroke but are not sure, these are the very simple steps to follow that will confirm or reassure your worries.
1) ask the man or woman who you suspect is having a stroke to raise both of their arms.
2) ask the man or woman to repeat a very simple sentence like "I am wearing a blue jersey today"
3) ask the man or woman to stick out their tongue
4) ask the man or woman to smile at you
A stoke victim cannot raise both of their arms steadily and a simple sentence will most likely become a jumble of mumbles and incoherent words. If they stick out their tongue it will most likely look twisted or fall to either the left or right, but they won't just be able to stick out their tongue straight at you.
The persons smile will look like they just came out of the dentist's office and half of their face is numb, it will be a half smile.
All four symptoms may not show, but if you can clearly see that any of the symptoms are there, don't risk it - take them to a hospital as soon as possible. You have a very short window of around three hours to get them the medical treatment they need.
A stroke can be lethal and it is better to rather be safe than just to ignore the symptoms.
Keep these four very simple steps in mind and you can very easily end up saving someone's life by just recognising the symptoms and getting them the help they need!

Understanding the Effects of Heart Disease

By Eddie Lamb

Coronary artery disease is a common term given to heart disease. It is also called arteriosclerosis. There are many causes and treatments to this silent killer. It is important to know the risks involved so you can take action before you develop problems.
You May Be Unaware You could have no idea that you have coronary artery disease. During the course of a normal day the heart works efficiently. It pumps blood through the body and life goes on. However, that blood flow can be restricted or even interrupted. Fatty deposits in the arteries can cause these problems. Gradually they build up until blood no longer flows properly to the heart. The heart cannot function and live without proper blood supply. For many years this scenario can play out - until something has to give. If you do nothing, it will eventually be your heart.
What Brings This On? What you eat and how you live plays a huge role, in the health of your heart.
Heart problems can be passed on from one generation to the next. The susceptibility to develop it may also come from your parents. This factor can put you at higher risk. If you have relatives with heart problems you will need to take extra precautions.
Tobacco is a known cause of coronary artery disease. The more you smoke the greater the chance you take. If your blood sugar is high, your circulation could be affected. Diabetics have a greater chance to develop arteriosclerosis. As you age, your risk factor for this disease will go up. However, younger people can still be at risk.
Do I Have This Condition? Unless you are having a heart attack you may not know. High blood pressure or cholesterol can mean that something is wrong, so be aware of this.
Management Doing things that can lead to a healthy lifestyle is important. That includes exercise and proper eating. If you cannot go to a gym, try walking. Taste your meals before adding salt. Read food labels before buying. See your doctor and follow advice and treatment suggestions. Have cholesterol levels and blood pressure checks routinely. Take medications that are prescribed to you.
Take the initiative and take control of your health. Learn everything you can about your condition. Internet and libraries are a good source of knowledge.
Summary There are many things you can do to treat and prevent heart disease. See your doctor and learn the basics of this silent killer. You may be unaware of its existence until it strikes.

Heart Attack Prevention Secrets

By J. P. Morton
Heart attacks are terrible things. Shooting pain down your arm followed by what feels like a semi truck driving into your chest is just not something that anybody should look forward to. Luckily these days if you can get to the hospital in time there's a fairly good chance that you can survive your heart attack but it can still leave you in pretty bad shape and forever alter your lifestyle afterwards.
In this article today I'd like to talk about several different prevention secrets that should help lower your risk for heart attack in many cases and circumstances. Talk to your doctor before engaging in any of these tips.
The first thing you need to do is lower your cholesterol. Some people need to use cholesterol-lowering statin drugs such as Lipitor but some people choose to go a more natural route. Be sure to consult your doctor to determine the best way for your specific circumstances.
Cholesterol in our bodies comes from things like eggs and meat and whole milk and other animal food sources but most of the cholesterol in our bodies is produced by our own bodies. Dietary fat is a key ingredient in this equation because the more that you consume the more cholesterol your body will make; so try to cut out dietary fat if at all possible.
A good target to have is 20%. Try to get no more than 20% of your total calories in a given day from fats. To do this the only thing you can do is eliminate fatty foods from your diet. Here are some tips...
Switch from oil-based salad dressings to mustard or balsamic vinegar-based ones. Try to cut out butter, margarine, and mayonnaise as well. Try to replace them with things like jam or roasted garlic. Red meat is bad as well so try to substitute white meat instead or give up meat completely if you can. Finally try to cut down on whole or low-fat milk and cheeses as well as commercially baked foods.
Finally, another great way to prevent heart attacks is to simply reduce the amount of stress in your life. Stress releases adrenaline and adrenaline like chemicals which will always raise your blood pressure which in turn will make your heart beat faster. Your heart doesn't need this extra workload and it can increase your risk for heart attack over the long run.
Reducing stress in your life is easier said than done but one simple technique that I like to use is to engage in a deep breathing routine of 10 deep breaths followed by 10 shallow breaths followed by 10 more deep breaths. I do this several times throughout the day whenever I feel myself becoming stressed out. It only takes a few minutes and can work wonders on your stress levels.
So there you have several simple heart attack prevention secrets that just about anybody can employ without a whole lot of effort or stress. You don't have to engage in all of these tips but adding as many as possible is certainly beneficial in the long run.

Natural Supplements to Reduce Cholesterol

By Marianne Wolff

Survey a group of your friends and you will find at least one or two people who are on prescription drugs to lower cholesterol. The most commonly prescribed medications for reducing cholesterol levels are the statins drugs. Statins originally came from a natural source but now are synthetically modified. The statin drugs lower cholesterol by reducing the production of cholesterol by the liver. Statins block the enzyme in the liver that causes the liver to produce cholesterol.
The statin drugs do have side effects such as liver damage, muscle pain, stomach problems and skin rashes. I have had several friends who have taken the drugs complain of muscle aches. There are natural alternatives to the statin drugs and some doctors are now prescribing them. One of most popular of these is red yeast rice.
Red yeast rice has been used by the Chinese for thousands of years. Red yeast rice is a product of the yeast that is grown on rice. The so called "secret ingredient" in red yeast rice is called monacolins. Monoacolin K has the same structure as the cholesterol reducing drug lovastatin.
Several studies have been conducted to measure the effectiveness of red yeast rice to reduce cholesterol. Results have been encouraging. One study by the UCLA School of Medicine involved 83 people with high cholesterol levels. Subjects who ingested red yeast rice over a 12-week period experienced significantly lower levels of total cholesterol, "bad" LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides (fats in the blood) compared to those taking placebo (no drug or supplement). "Good" HDL cholesterol levels did not change in either study group. Though the UCLA study did not show an increase of good cholesterol another 8-week study of 446 people with high cholesterol found those who took red yeast rice had a significant drop in cholesterol levels compared to those who took placebo. In this study HDL (the good cholesterol) l increased by 20% in the group that took red yeast rice.
Guggulipid is another natural alternative to statin drugs. Guggulipid comes from the bark of the Guggul tree and has been used in Asia as a cholesterol reducing supplement. Research indicates that gugglesterone may lower cholesterol and help to decrease body-fat levels.
The vitamin Niacin has also been for the past 50 years as treatment of high cholesterol and other lipid abnormalities. Niacin interacts with fats and lipoproteins and changes their quality and quantity in a way that is good for the body.
So as you can see there are a variety natural supplements to reduce cholesterol. If you are interested in using them ask your doctor about them. These are not supplements to try on your own. Which supplement is right for you is dependent on your medical condition.

Types of Allergies

By Steve Cannivy

There are various kinds of Allergies and classifying them all in one lot is confusing. Every single allergic reaction has unique symptoms and the intensity may differ with every person. It's a common belief that allergy symptoms are mere sensitivity to allergens. Additionally they believe it would be cured easily, giving proper treatment. One must understand, mere sensitivity isn't dangerous, while allergies could be life-threatening at times. Based on the allergens, allergies are classified as follows:
Food Allergies:
Very often, people confuse themselves between food intolerance and food poisoning with food allergies. Food intolerance usually causes symptoms in the digestive tract like diarrhea, nausea or abdominal pain. Sensitivity to caffeine and intolerance to lactose are some common examples of food intolerance. As the symptoms of these intolerance, aren't associated with immune system, these must not be mixed up with food allergies. Also food poisoning is a reaction, which occurs when degraded or uncooked(partially cooked) food is ingested. Also, if taken the next time there will not be any reactions. On the contrary, food allergies are caused due to allergens in the food. They react exactly the same and mostly with increased intensity each time taken. Moreover it can cause dreadful anaphylaxis with repeated intake. It's when, the immune system is severely attacked in response to allergens. Some of the common allergens are cow's milk, wheat, peanuts, eggs, shell fish, fish etc.
Medication Allergies:
After consuming drugs, it is very important to examine the reaction. The physicians will be very concerned about the reactions connected with medications, as they may become life threatening in some cases. Cephalosporin, penicillin or sulfa drugs are most commonly associated with anaphylaxis. Here too, medication adverse reactions are often mistaken for allergies. Adverse reactions do not make you vulnerable to anaphylaxis. So when you're explaining the reactions to a medication to the physician, he will particularly ask you about the symptoms. They will determine whether or not to continue the medication again, depending on your description.
Insect Venom Allergies: Some people have allergies to insect bite or sting. The venom injected into their skin can cause more severe allergies. Reactions to stings of hornet, bee and wasp may be fatal. Irrespective of whether you are allergic to insect venom or not, once the insect attacks you, you will notice a rash at the bitten site. As soon as you experience a reaction consult a physician to make sure that you are allergic or not to insect bite. When you have an allergy, prompt medical attention is required to avoid the condition becoming worse.
Environmental allergies: The allergies that come from pollen, mold, dust mite deposit etc are called environmental allergies. Asthma, allergic rhinitis and atopic dermatitis are the common reactions in response to these allergens. As soon as you understand you are allergic any of the above listed allergen, consult your physician. He can assist you on avoiding or minimizing the effects and strategies for prevention in future.

Treatments For Pollen Allergies

By P.S. Orr
Many people suffer from sensitivity to various types of pollen and need to find the right treatments for their pollen allergies that will provide them with relief. The constant congestion, headache, itchy nose and eyes or trouble breathing can make life hard. Although many children tend to grow out of their problems with allergies, most adults seem to retain their allergies. New studies have shown that many herbalists, naturopathic doctors and natural healers believe that it is possible to actually get rid of allergies through alternative treatments, although there are also many traditional ways to treat pollen allergies as well.
The obvious first step is to get tested to make sure that your allergies are actually pollen allergies. The next step is to avoid those things that cause your allergies, but that is easier said than done. Adjusting your environment can make a big difference in the severity of your allergies. For instance, as part of your treatment for pollen allergies, hire someone else to mow the grass and keep your yard in shape so you are not subjecting yourself firsthand to the pollen that causes your allergies. Your doctor will probably prescribe allergy medicine, which you should take daily per the given instructions. If you know you are likely to be around pollen, take your medicine in advance to help prevent or lessen the symptoms.
Your doctor may also prescribe an allergy shot treatment therapy, which entails getting a shot with a low dose of the allergen which desensitizes you a little more each time you are exposed to it. There is generally a good success rate with allergy shot treatments for pollen allergies. Alternative treatments can also be options you can explore, such as chiropractic or acupuncture. Other alternative treatments include honey therapy, where you eat small amounts of local honey, which may contain some of the local pollens, or vitamin or herbal supplements that boost the immune system.
Vitamin C treatment or use of antioxidants to boost the immune system to fight allergic reactions are also used by many who suffer with pollen allergies. Many people feel that saline sinus rinses have a high success rate as they flush the bacteria and irritants from the nasal cavities. However, you should be very careful with these home remedies. Knowing for sure what you are really allergic to is the key to getting help. Visit a licensed professional who can generally pinpoint the problem. You should consult your doctor before starting any program for treatment of pollen allergies in order to avoid possible side affects.

Whole House Air Purifiers May Be the Answer to Your Family's Allergy Problems

By Jan Hendrik Roos

If several members of your family suffer from allergies, whole house air purifiers could be the solution you've been dreaming of. Indoor air pollution is a bigger problem than many people realize. Many of the building materials used in our homes contain VOCs or volatile organic compounds. Things like paint, sealants, and carpets can off gas these contaminants for years. And of course there are many common allergens to contend with as well. Things like pollen, dust mites, and pet dander can make life miserable for people.
When people realize that their own homes or making them feel sick and causing an allergic reaction they will often turn to air filters as a solution. Using air filters to combat indoor air pollution can have a dramatic effect on the symptoms that allergy sufferers must endure.
Whole house air purifiers are integrated into your home's HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) system. This type of purifier can effectively remove the allergens from all of the air circulating in your home. If several of your family members suffer from allergies a whole house system may offer a better solution than filters for individual rooms. Whole house filters are also great for houses that have high ceilings because it would be difficult for a smaller filter to circulate that much air.
Another benefit to a filter system that purifiers the air throughout your entire house is that the filter, fan, and components are out of sight and may be located in the attic or basement. This way all of the rooms of your house have clean air without a bulky machine taking up space and without the loud noise that some individual room filters cause when the fan is running on high.
Whole house air purifiers will obviously be more expensive than individual room air filters but if you have a lot of rooms that need clean air and multiple family members that suffer from allergies multiple individual room filters may be needed to keep everyone allergy free. If this is the case and if you would prefer to have a house free of bulky, noisy machines a system that cleans the air throughout your entire home would be a much better option.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Build Muscle Without Weights - Free Exercises That Will Increase Muscle Tone and Definition

By Joan Yankowitz

Some people will tell you that it is simply not possible to build muscle without weights. Of course, if you want to be a bodybuilder, weights are absolutely necessary.
However, if you are looking for a less extreme change, with the right exercise routines and the correct techniques, you can start to build muscle today.
Below you will find hints and tips on the best way to increase tone and define your muscles without the need for expensive weights or equipment.
Basic Exercises
The first step is to perform the most fundamental exercises, such as push-ups and sit-ups, which can be done without any equipment and in the comfort of your own living room.
If you are just starting a health regime and are not accustomed to workouts routines, then these are excellent ways to begin, because they will help to build core strength and stamina. However, you will need a degree of self-discipline and you will need to work hard to see the desired results.
It is advisable to begin with short workout routines daily rather than a long session weekly. Additionally, try to gradually increase the reps and the length of your workout.
How to Build Arm Muscle
When you feel comfortable with your basic routine and have increased your endurance, you may want to think about working on specific parts of the body. Unfortunately, this also means more strenuous workouts, but remember, "no pain - no gain."
The biceps are one of the first muscles that men choose to work on. You may have noticed that the push-ups have helped in this area, so it is a good idea to continue performing them. However, some weight lifting will also prove beneficial.
The good news is that it doesn't have to be an expensive set of weights. Instead, try placing some books or cans of food in a bag and use these to perform curls.
How to Build Chest and Shoulder Muscle
If you want to appear more 'bulked,' the best place to build muscle is the chest and shoulders. Fortunately, you can build muscle without weights in these areas too.
First, you can make your push-ups more difficult by placing your feet on a footstool, bed, chair or sofa. This transfers all of your weight to your arms and you will notice a marked difference in difficulty.
Additionally, you may want to place some pull-ups in your daily routine. You can purchase a pull-up bar cheaply and place it in a door frame. This is one of the most difficult exercises for most people and you will really feel it working your arms.
However, to build your shoulders, you may need to move your hands further apart. Bear in mind, this should not be tried by someone who is new to exercise. You should gradually increase your stamina and strength before attempting pull-ups.
Of course, these are just some of the ways that you can build muscle without weights. There is many more exercise routines that you may want to try. However, the exercises above will give you a great foundation for further training.

How Can Healthy Living and Exercise Benefit You?

By Beth Hoover
Healthy living and exercise can help you live a long, happy, and healthy life. Some people may not know what exactly healthy living is. Well I will explain. Living healthy means to avoid drugs, alcohol, and anything else that is bad for your body. Eating well is another way to live healthy. Exercising regularly also falls into the category of healthy living.
All of these things can lead to a long life. It is important to exercise often not just to keep your weight down but to strengthen your heart and lungs as well. Exercise can keep you heart strong for many years by simply walking on a treadmill a few times a week. It does not have to be anything difficult or tiring to keep you healthy.
Take a walk around your neighborhood every evening after dinner and you will be surprised how much just that little bit of exercise can improve your health. You will start to feel better all around, you will not get winded as easily, you will not get tired from walking as quickly as you use to. You will also start to feel better mentally.
Some people do not realize it but exercising releases endorphins that actually make you feel better mentally. Living healthy is important to all of us and it is not hard to do. You can still have some of the things you enjoy like cake, or coffee. Just be sure to have them in moderation.
It is not healthy to drink a whole pot of coffee or eat a whole cake but having a cup of coffee and a small slice of cake every once in a while will not hurt you. Some people believe that you have to cut out everything you enjoy to live healthy but that is not true you just have to be reasonable with